what happened to the MotoContacts Tool download (Here)

Does anyone know what happened to the MotoContacts Tool? The website no longer exists.

The .ctb code plug file seems to me to be encrypted. So without having been given the special knowledge of the technique and or key, a de-cryption algorithm had have been used. My impression is that the developers have been in the US, so I'm betting the first possibility.

Sleeping on this, I don't think it is wise to figure out the magic key. Anything like this can be cracked, but Motorola has put a lot of $ into development with a large commercial interest. Release of the secrets would compromise the database of all of those customers trusted in its safe keeping whether they thought about it or not ... including the FCC (thinking about the wideband entitlement key for one).

But, have you ever tried entering in the ID and Contact Name manually? Forgetting the tedious part for a moment, it is a ctrl character to make the record then tabbing. I only tried this a few minutes ago, but it seems to me that an almost simple minded VBasic script could be written to take what's in a flat file or Excel, and plug it into CPS. A sort of auto-manual entry. I swear I have done this on something long ago and vaguely remember that the almost part can eat up time.

Not fast, but there was nothing fast about CPS anyway. Maybe it is all of that encrypting/de-crypting?

Two alternatives come to mind; 1) picketing outside 1301 Algonquin until we get our way, or 2) talk all DMR hams to sell their M products impacting their used equipment business.

Message 27 of 52 , Jul 9, 2016
message 27 680kb -

Here the link: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Uninstall the previous version via Add/Remove program
Extract contents to folder somewhere and run the exe.

I also ran into this...I am running 13.0 ob CPS....what I did was read my radio which was programmed on 13.0, and saved it...then opened Motocontacts and the new codeplug. Did the needed imports and saved that update. THEN went back to CPS, opened the updated codeplug. THEN re-read the radio opening a new codeplug (with the updated one still opened) then Drag>Drop the updated contact list into the freshly read codeplug and then loaded in to the radio....

Motocontacts Tool - XXXXXXXXXX

I have the file but the program is no longer functional, as i believe DMR-MARC changed their url that supplied the contact database. Talk to "WZW" for the workaround.

Update August 2017 - tool removed


  1. Anonymous11:11

    thanks great I found the download link

    1. Anonymous22:04

      Where is the link? I keep coming up with dead ends.

  2. Anonymous14:34

    thank for the download file


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